Ian Fleming

I understood that reference.

I've been waiting for somebody to mention Dollhouse! Kudos.

The actor (J. August Richards) has been busy on other shows. Fingers crossed that he becomes available at some point.

The robot heart wants what the robot heart wants.

Sounds good to me.

I like that Mack can be a dick. It gives him character. He hated "alien stuff" before he was partnered with Daisy. Now he's getting down with Yo-Yo. Given the opportunity he can change. He just needs to come into contact with a friendly and definitely non-homicidal robots.

But they didn't build him up that much. He was mentioned in two prior episodes before he made his onscreen debut. Now, if he had been discussed in ominous tones from the start of the season, I could see why folks would have cause to be irked. He's just a dude with a grudge. And that's fine by me.

That's the beauty of these smaller arcs. If you don't care for it then that particular story doesn't last that long and you get the pleasure of something new after a few episodes. I'm stoked to see what the third (and final) arc is going to be about.

That's what I would do.

Infanticide will do that to you.

It's always by design. That's what most people fail to understand about this show.

Yes, I'm Scottish (British) and I will admit that I completely forgot about Torchwood. Good call!

Mostly due to Buffy, Angel and Smallville James Marsters has been a minor but important part of my life since I was 19. I'm 38 this year. As you can imagine I am figuratively (and sometimes literally) punching the air at the moment. Good work, fella.

So true. So very true. This LMD arc feels more "Agents of SHIELD" than the Ghost Rider stuff ever did. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the Ghost Rider arc because I most definitely did but I spent those first eight episodes waiting for the LMD stuff that was promised at the end of season three.

That would be a twist that nobody would see coming.

Yeah, Ward murdered Eric in season one.

While I do see the similarities (clean shaven nerd to stubbly badass) I wouldn't dismiss Fitz as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce-lite. They both have their own unique facets and foibles.

At this moment AoS is the one of the most socially relevant shows on TV outside of the news.

Definitely. The more Koenigs they add the funnier it becomes.