Ian Fleming

Yeah and I suppose that if that DREDD sequel had materialised we probably could have seen the more left-field side. Maybe that's it - we only saw the grim dystopia side of the Big Meg and (until now) we've been denied seeing anything else.

You get it! That is exactly where this strip has been heading (certainly in recent years).

I have to disagree with you on that one. I liked DREDD but some cosmetic touches aside it has very little in common with the madness of the source material. I am hoping for a TV show that has crazes, futsies, time travel, muties, dinosaurs and alien superfiends.

Nothing new. They've been stamping their faces over popular culture for a while now.

And only eight months to go. :(

But here's the thing - they aren't corrections. It's more akin to the writers saying, "This is boring and we've written ourselves into a corner so let's just abandon what we've set up and do something else. The viewers are too stupid to notice."

No problem.

Season 5 is a poor cover version of the far superior first and second seasons. If it's your thing then fair play to you but it ain't mine.

Unfortunately, Arrow fails The CW on a weekly basis.

"For much of tonight’s episode, this felt like the end of Arrow." Oh, if only. If only.

Sorry but Grant Ward died a long time ago. There's nothing left to revisit. Jeff Bell is not my favourite writer (on anything) but I give this episode a solid B.

We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.

You can't stop the signal.

A budget cut means less superpowers and more spy stuff. Now that Marvel has its own Inhumans show there's less pressure on AoS to carry that property.

That 'B' score totally undersells the episode.

"Similarly, Supergirl has also shown an impressive willingness to readjust its storytelling on the fly." Is that the BS way of saying that the writers don't have a clue as to what they are doing and are just winging it in the hope that something will stick? It's just sloppy writing. I give this mess a solid C+.

Where have you been for the last nine years?

Damn straight it is!

Yep, definitely an 'A' from me as well.

Poor choices? Please. Obviously, I disagree with your assertion.