Jobu's Voodoo

Never understood why this movie got the hate and poor reviews that it did. I loved it and all the wink, wink, nod, nod comic book superhero references. The way Bruce Willis’s rain slicker made him look like he was wearing a cape? Brilliant. Little things that that.

Lacob’s Splatter

The leg bone is connected to the .... kidney bone?

The crash was part of the reason it was cancelled but it may have actually just been the last nail in the coffin (or the excuse that was needed).

When the XB-70 was first envisioned in the mid/late-50s, nuclear deterrence depended mostly on flying bombers over to drop nukes. If you’re dropping a nuclear weapon, you

Great images, I hadn't seen those. Added info: the cause of the crash was ruled to be due to massive vortices the XB-70's wings kicked off due to the plane's unique design, which the escort pilot wasn't prepared for. He got caught up and sucked in - just another of many factors to worry about when flying close

And they’ve got cockpit scans of the B-70!

Fun, but sad, fact: the XB-70 was intended as a Mach 3 bomber capable of penetrating enemy airspace, evading their radar and interceptor aircraft. Two prototypes were built; one was lost in a tragic accident. During formation flying a chase plane collided with the XB-70s vertical stabilizers and exploded, damaging the

In reality talented people are not always pleasant. Some are, some are not.

I murdered them. They’re dead now. Dead and quiet.

Can’t believe you accuse Oakland of not bending over backwards for Davis and the Raiders. They’ve offered to build an additional 3 PF Chang’s in the area around any new stadium.

And that’s exactly how the crowd would treat the commenter above who flat out said he’d “crush another kid’s dream” to snag one for his kid or grandkid who isn’t even physically there. Like one of those horrifying parents pushing the other kids out of the way to scramble for piñata candy for his or her precious

only about 400 fans showed up

True, I just find discoveries like this, not really discoveries at all.

An update for you, as a Pens writer myself- thus far the little guy, Trey, has gotten 2 pucks, a jersey, a stick, and last I saw was with the teams’ PR staff, apparently to head into the locker-room with them to meet the players from what I gathered. While the old guy was booed out of the arena right afterward and

I disagree. I was in an abusivd relationship for three years (emotional and verbal, not physical) and this is exactly what I want to see from men like Marshall. I want abusers to get better. I want them to take responsibility and come out on the other end and advocate for other men to behave better. I want to see

Pak migration fleets.

Your comment is butt.

That, coupled with the “just like mom used to heat up” part made me laugh very loudly in my quiet office.

You can tell the apology came from someone within the organization rather than Sammy himself, because there’s punctuation.