Jobu's Voodoo

The government already successfully regulates legal gambling. Why can’t they regulate this too?

Wow, those answers were shockingly honest and refreshing. I don’t blame him one bit for being tired of the role, as I imagine it’s quite taxing. He has far exceeded anyone’s expectations as Bond, and he helped successfully introduce an aging franchise to a new generation of fans. If he plays the role well, even if he

It’s a criminal Enterprise, I tell you.

Fitting that the naming rights go to a rental car company, since every public Dollar Hertz the Budget.

Consistent with EVERYTHING else, the RISK will be socialized while the PROFIT is privatized. This should come as no surprise whatsoever.

It's amazing how many people underestimate game development in general. Gives you a lot more respect for those old school games that had 1/5 of the technology we had today and still produced amazing work

To be fair, it’d be cruel to make Buffalo fans snort their coke off a mirror.

Did he get a big hit in a game, or did he separate his shoulders swatting away the villagers’ torches and pitchforks?

Where exactly do you recommend acquiring a solar flare? Does my go kit need to be heatproof up to 24 million °F?

Looks like his belt wasn’t the only one on the mound struggling with a bad hangover.

“But what I do have are a very hot set of takes, takes I have acquired over a very long career. Takes that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you apologize now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will threaten

“These players are so sensitive...” Stephen A. scoffs before threatening an NBA player who said he wouldn’t talk to him.

As an aside, Philips is doing this right. Hue works with Apple. Hue works with Amazon (Echo). Hue works with Nest (Google).

I survived Hodgkins in my early twenties, so my reaction to Flip getting diagnosed was, “Yeah treatment is going to be hell (5 circles, minimum), but he’ll be back inside of six months.” Hearing that he is still in the hospital is indeed grim, best wishes for a recovery. Fuck cancer.

I didn’t think I could hate Al Davis anymore than I already did. Jesus, help your kids grow. Life can fuck you up enough without your rich dad piling on.

“Give me the Lloyd Christmas.”

BARBER: Really? Again??

Speaking as a Japanese guy who loves fugu, I think the article waaaaaaaay overstate the risks of eating the fish. Almost nobody ever gets poisoned eating it at a restaurant—a few people die every year eating the fish, but it’s inevitably some amateur fisherman that caught one themselves, and tried to cook it

Laugh it up but i’m willing to bet this filter thing is all about improving sales in asia, especially China. A country where Tesla has been running into problems reaching sales quotas and whose air pollution problems are know world wide. This could be one of those tipping point features that really matters in one of