Jobu's Voodoo

An infinite train loop!

Elliot has been shown to be extremely uncertain about himself and his own sanity. In his shoes I’d like to back up my data on a medium that I can rely to be impossible to manipulate.

Security Through Obscurity FTW!

That was Elliot interacting with American Psycho dude. Mr. Robot was the personality in control at the time. Have you never seen Fight Club, American Pyscho or all the other shows and movies Mr. Robot steals from?

I’m FAR from convinced we can throw away the ‘Fight Club’ theory just like that. I’m still of the belief that Mr. Robot (Elliot’s dad) remains to be Elliot’s alternate personality. Why do I think this? Well for one, Angela all but seems to confirm that Elliot’s father died long ago, as did her mother.

OMG, how could you miss the fact he is not real? He looks and is literally wearing the same clothes in the pictures from Elliot’s childhood to now, some 20 years later.

Because it’s true every week.

Maybe I need to watch it again - but I still felt that the Mr. Robot character was still a persona of Elliot’s that manifests in Elliot’s mind as his father... Even when Mr. Robot is onscreen without Elliot, it may be representative of Elliot’s divergence of personality. There’s always so much emphasis on Elliot’s

He’s a hacker. He knows the significance of a solid state medium. You can still get optic discs that can’t be edited once you’ve burned them, so they represent a solid, reliable information storage that can’t be tampered with after the fact.

Your optimism about China and safety standards is amusing.

I mean, I think we’re all glad he survived, but radiation poisoning really turned Mike Scioscia into an asshole.

Could get tricky

“Is your rapper dead?”

“Is he fucking dead? What the fuck you mean is he fucking dead?? What the fuck kind of question is that??

Next president needs a beard, hmmm...

I think what Goodell is trying to say is that he personally believes that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don’t have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they

I’m still dying someone with a solid economic modelling background to look at the implications of cheap and essentially unlimited electricity. If we assume that fusion is possible and it produces incredibly cheap, plentiful electricity, wouldn’t that throw the world economy out of whack? Transportation would be all

No fancy or intelligent quip. I just have no fucking clue what that thing is. It looks like Starfox just landed on a turd, but near some good parking.

more like alldone smith amirite