No worries :-D good luck! But don’t not purchase the book because of its date, technology moves quick, and I imagine publishers don’t, but it is always helpful to know the basics.
No worries :-D good luck! But don’t not purchase the book because of its date, technology moves quick, and I imagine publishers don’t, but it is always helpful to know the basics.
The book is probably still helpful, learning generic coding ideals, and common javascript uses, particularly because most shops don’t try for whats best or are innundated with outdated technology (like the one I’m working at). Honestly the best way to learn to code is come up with a concept and code it, but aim to…
this person comes around once in a blue moon
jQuery will possibly the same, javascript will be a whole new beast. They are planning on doing ecmascript updates every year now. The problem is things like jQuery are not ideal in newer applications especially ones leveraging angular, ember, react, or backbone. jQuery ends up being an antipattern that clutters the…
This is a primary reason I don’t buy technical manuals in physical form anymore. I used to buy stacks of programming manuals and read them cover to cover, but nowadays the ability to search coupled with how fast technology changes makes the internet so much better.
JavaScript & JQuery was published in June of 2014 and is still current