No idea what they were called officially, but I'm pretty sure they helped a whole generation of kids practice handjobs.
No idea what they were called officially, but I'm pretty sure they helped a whole generation of kids practice handjobs.
You would think it would stop shocking me by now, but somehow, it doesn't. Fucking fuck.
I mean, they're sort of alarming when they seem to come out of nowhere. But I don't get the extreme fear.
Another great one:
I'm going to go a little further back in time and contribute to the male objectification with this scene of Jane Russell and the Olympic Team from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Edited to include clip of this scene from the movie.
They have tuxes on, which dilutes the point a bit - and doesn't touch JLo's versions - but ...
I was just talking the other day to some friends about our inability to think of any instances of women surrounded by hot, interchangeable, anonymous, semi-naked men as status symbols. No one could think of an instance other than one throw away scene in Lost Girl and a few Laurell K Hamilton books. This is *exactly*…
i love the homage to the versace dress
Git. It. J.Lo.
That was a great video
Awww, I love that you love it!!!!
So they CAN make it worse.
Your assumptions sound reasonable and well founded. Get out, you don't belong here.
I'm pretty sure they're talking about white as in skin color rather than white as in Caucasian. Asian society has been emphasizing white skin as a beauty standard for CENTURIES. Impossible beauty standard, yes. Bad English translation, yes. Racism? Questionable.