Yeah!!! Fiona Apple!! She knows we need this right now.
Yeah!!! Fiona Apple!! She knows we need this right now.
Sometimes when we like a movie we write about it more than once, that’s all
Oh, no. You called the most important people in my life BASIC! Oh, the insult! I rue the day I gave them jewelry they like and have sentimentality towards!
🎶 housewives intro music plays 🎶
Jesus Christ who said anything about partners, for fucks sake? Can’t a woman just ride the dick for a minute and go?
If someone told me that something I made when they were already adults ruined their childhood, I’d probably have to stop myself from telling them that if that’s all it took to ruin their childhood, it wasn’t much of a childhood to begin with.
i’m surprised i haven’t seen a post for “the handmaiden” which is the new movie by the director of “oldboy”. korean, lesbian, gothic thriller! the trailer is very effective:
Less dorky than the original video.
Justin: If you don’t grow facial hair, don’t grow facial hair.
“more than one hundred pages of alibi documents”
“Three hots and a cot? Hardly. The food is lukewarm at best and I’m pretty sure it comes from a can. This imprisonment might not be unlawful, but it sure is awful. Avoid this prison if at all possible, I’m not buying what they are “cell”ing!”
Same. I always knew this as a church thing. We did have to sign drug-free-for-life pledges for DARE in middle school. At the time I had no intention of ever touching the demon weed, but I didn’t want to sign because you just never know how life will change you and I wasn’t prepared to make a promise I might not keep…