Joan Romba

Colbert: “Above all we as a nation agree that we should never ever have another election like this one." Damn straight! Trump as Prez 4 life. Then Ivanka Trump as Prez when The Donald passes away of old age.

Ron Swanson, a 46 year old, is married to a 57 year old woman? I no longer have any respect for this man.

Talentless, and worse - ugly.

They were pigs

Let's be real. 95+ of bernie bros are men. No self-respecting woman would support a rank misogynist like Sanders.

How dare you give this a D+ when Clooney just slagged off Trump. Don't you know you're supporting Trump and dooming America by being so ideologically biased?

And there was much rejoicing. One of the worst shows on TV.

****ing Bush, he ruined Libya, Iraq, Arab Spring, everything. GOP party should be forever barred from US elections.

To piss off SJWs

Stop with the Game of Thrones ripoffs. How did this manage to get renewed for two seasons when it is a blatant cash-in?

Welp, good to know that AV Club has been bought out by Marvel.

I just watched this with a Taiwanese family and they said shut it off after 20 minutes - it's terrible, juvenile and inaccurate. I told them you guys gave it an A, but they just gave me a glare (as in "yeah, right"). So much for your ratings. Meanwhile, all my friend are talking about how great Batman vs Superman is

Then why did the spy keep saying "would it help if I acted a different way?" He was resigned to his fate - he knew he was going to be convicted and he was fine with it. The guy was just a sad sack loser, and the Soviets could have him for all I cared. Esp when the US got a highly trained pilot + PhD student back.

Really? I didn't care about the spy's fate, since he appeared clueless and happy with going to jail. I only cared about the fate of the two American nationals that got caught, and was happy with them getting traded (because the Soviets weren't going to get anybody useful back, just a senile dunce aka Mark Rylance /

Can someone explain what he did in Bridge of Spies that was worthy of an oscar? His performance was disposable.

Don't be a self-hating American.

Well a bunch of Gerard Butlers stopped that would-be massacre on the French train. But sadly none were there in Paris during that attack.

Right… so you call this film cheap and give it a F. Yet when Gerard Butler starred in 300 (that was shot exclusively in one room), that movie got rave reviews/audience numbers/pop culture status.

Do you think they will make some movies for men again one of these days? Or has the male audience been relegated to watching porn?

Kung Fu Panda is the better martial arts movie