Beez Kneez

Oh how cute... someone who reduces a deeply complicated issue down to simplistic black and white platitudes so they can feely smugly self-righteous about the issue despite being wildly ignorant and utterly uninvolved in it.

Labeled as an animal, but performs more like a virus. Some smell worse than others.

I mean, they don’t even have a pelt to keep them warm! So disappointed.

It’s pretty common escalator/moving walkway courtesy to “stand right, walk left.” There are even signs in a lot of public transit hubs. But people ignore them and stand left. Those people are assholes!

Or ya know, suck it up for those extra 20 seconds and have some consideration for people who can’t go up the escalator (because they’re usually steeper than stairs) and needs some extra stability on a potential dangerous piece of machinery.

If I stopped speaking to all the people I know who said, “That bitch is lying,” I would have no one left to speak to. It was fucking appalling. I am sure that girl felt giving up her whole life for whatever amount of $$$ he paid her was worth it.... I wonder what the math comes out to, like how many dollars per death

Not since 9/11

Somehow, I have been blissfully ignorant of this until this damn article. I am so, sooooooooo disappointed. The Coens are probably my favorite directors. This is such a douchebag, I-got-caught-now-I’m-indignant pile of shit. Goddamn, I expected more from them.

Google said it was her grandma on her moms side with the Filipino grandad. But usually when people pass as white they don’t claim AA heritage. Of course that’s between her and her mother. Who am I to define her? I remember hearing about it when she got true grit.…

Deal with it.

Seems pretty racist to me to believe that you need a “black character” in order to have a black actor.

He’s half Syrian.

F. Murray Abraham is half Syrian. Don’t know whether he’d consider himself to be a POC, but he’s listed as a famous Arab-American by many Arab-American organizations.

Did anyone else think F Murray Abraham was a minority actor of some sort? He so fits the mold of those old studio actors who would just get cast as various minorities in 50 different movies, depending on what they needed. Put a poncho on him and he’s Mexican! Put him in a turban and he’s Indian! Not that they’ve

I agree. Movies shouldn’t even individually be judged by their diverse (or not) cast because all movies shouldn’t have 3 white people, an Asian, a Latino, and a black person. There should be movies that focus on the Asian perspective, even if it is just about the boringness of exurbs from an Asian perspective. Same

It’s really not about diversity, it’s about reality. People make so many movies set here in NY or out in LA with these ridiculously unrealistic all-white casts (except for maids, hookers, and the like). That’s simply not how the world looks. So yes, you can write all kinds of stuff from the perspective of an Irish

This is why I’ll take Jim Jarmusch over the Coens any day.

Yeah, I love the Coens’ films, but I’ve always watched their movies knowing that I won’t be seeing any real diversity. And I don’t necessarily want that from them, but if you’re gonna comment, you gotta acknowledge you have exactly helped the issue.

Why SHOULD they care about diversity? What you are advocating is that every piece of art should basically cater to your own prejudices and if they offend your sensibilities movies are automatically bad, and this is basically the death of art. Great art shouldn’t coddle you, and if you leave a movie feeling “yes, I

Diversity is good. But it is also good to write what you know. The Coens are white, and so it is no surprise that they are better at writing from that perspective. That’s not a problem. The problem is that all the other writers in Hollywood have a very similar background.