Beez Kneez

Can’t some lawyer stop this blatant hiding of assets?

16? Jeez. That’s horrible.

Easy to see how your career flamed out.

Oh, so now you have to bore us with your tales of bullying and OCD. Yawn

Boo fucking boo. You’re a pathetic loser. Always blaming someone else for your inadequacies. Boring.

Monkey Boy probably hates everyone better looking and with a nicer car.

Oh, stop-no one is impressed with your blubbering-so trite.

Recommended for a perfect example of whining. Ronan did the best with the life into which he was born. You should stop crying and try the same.

Your jealousy is pathetic. He is brilliant and focused and hardworking. Give the man some credit.

Truly sad to be so tone-deaf and voluntarily ignorant. We’ve all tried to offer insight-those of us who work in the system. But apparently Bottle just adjusts the blinders.

It’s called impeaching the witness. Are you truly this clueless and unaware?

Not irrelevant-it’s what defense attorneys do. All the time.

Police don’t prosecute-they investigate. Prosecutors prosecute.

Try to focus, it’snot hard.

You are obsessed and insane. And boring.

What a fucking Pig.

And the sensitive deodorant!

Thank you-I’ve been looking for a list.

I’m done with Dove. Was going to use up the products I have and not buy again, because they are not cruelty free-but now I will go a step further and mail all unused products to their headquarters and never buy Dove again. Will miss the deodorant-only one that didn’t give me a rash. Racist bullshit. How could so many

Do you have a picture? These sound amazing!

Do you have a picture? These sound amazing!