
Travel into the the comments section any STL news site that posted this story. Get a load of the the dumb mouth breathing rubes who now “don’t feel safe” going to Cardinals games or wish they could pack heat inside a stadium.

R. Kelly Is Being Sued by A Mississippi Sheriff’s Deputy Over Alleged Affair

Also: shouldn’t Kells have gone on the Do Not Fuck list as soon as the pee tape came out? That was a damn long time ago!

With any luck, he’ll soon forget which team he played for.

So let me get this straight. Black woman loved a product until they saw a lighter-skinned woman using it? And now they hate it?

The very, very scary thing about the fake Trump tweets meme is that it’s become really difficult to discern whether some of them are, in fact, fake.

The people who voted for Trump don’t have the first clue what “Brexit” is.

I still shake my head that Brexit was not enough for Americans to run screaming away from 45.

Brexit didn’t do it for us, but I hope Trump winning here is a cautionary tale for someone else.

#100DaysOfShame The hashtag is both amusing and sad!

“I laughed so hard I pooped. That’s why I pooped.” ~Eric Trump

Keurigs are the devil’s work.

A coffee maker that makes one shitty, expensive cup of coffee at a time...

Counterpoint: Cancer researcher dying of cancer.

It’s the same mindset that causes idiots to voluntarily not use their vacation days because they have such a better work ethic than you, bro.

You know what nobody’s said on their deathbed? “I wish I’d worked more.”

To be fair the wife and kid probably wanted him to go back to work. I mean could you imagine spending more that a day with that guy?

Capitalism really does a number on some people.

I don’t think you know what a Gold Glove award is for.

From Twitter -- “Why is Sara Palin dressed like she’s headed to singles night at the local Moose lodge?”