
Time to circle the wagons around the leader of the free world: Angela Merkel

If the entire campaign winds up being proven that they shenaniganed the hell out of this, Pence might be fucked, too.

If the election was compromised, then Pence cannot hold office.

He was head of the transition team. How will he try to explain how he had no idea what was going on?

That’s not tenting his fingers, it’s praying. It’s his resting pose.

I’m surprised that he admitted to being a necrophile, because Nicki is still dead.

I’ll take le tits now for 500.

Dwayne Wade had two glasses of wine and guess what he dislocated.

Actually, he would have tried to buy a 6 and 9.

The real problem is those classless punks on the Thunder blew a 3-1 lead, which only serves to remind the Warriors that they blew a 3-1 lead.

Boston also offered an opportunity to play with Rondo, which Allen understandably declined.

The Boston [no Ray, you’re not fucking invited] Tea Party

Oh well - he’s been to far better parties anyway:

I don’t really think Rondo should be taking shots at Ray Allen over his decision but mainly just because I don’t think he should ever be taking shots.

I think if Ray Allen does get that call, he’ll just let it go after 2 rings.

This is yet another reminder that having a child does not suddenly make you an expert on literally anything, and that the act of birth is something that literally billions upon billions of people around the world, both very smart and incredibly fucking dumb, have done throughout millenia.

Agreed. No grown man should be dabbing. At least not in public.

This is not okay.