
Thank you for reminding me of that clip in Genesis’s “Land of Confusion” video where the Spitting Image Reagan doll can’t tell the difference between the nuke button and the nurse button.

Came here for a post on actual dogs... I’m disappoint. Amy will agree with me.

Beast slowed

So does the state of New York. And you’re never going to get 80% of New Yorkers to the polls on any Election Day.

Please retweet.

Here we go.

I also spent 9 hours at work today and walked away without an NFL contract but you don’t see me bragging about it.

The fact that antebellum debutante Lindsey Graham might be all that stands between us and this lunacy is a truly terrifying thought.

It’s used as an excuse to imprison black and brown and poor people to extract cheap labor from them. It’s not about public safety and never was.

He’s the modern Rodman. Little less defense, much better offense. If he didn’t help you win, you’d never put up with this shit.

He’s a better Joakim Noah

It’s an NBA-style move that’s drawing comparisons to what Sam Hinkie did with The Process in Philadelphia.

He actually bottoms from the top, because of his social conscience.

You just know he showers once a week and smells of sweat and patchouli oil, so my answer is yes, I’d bang the shit out of him. But in your bed.

This gif has been generally overused, but this is my EXACT reaction when I saw the video of Carson on Twitter today:

Gold Star father Khizr Khan, a vocal Trump critic, was reportedly told that his traveling privileges are “under review.” [Politico]

I mean it’s basically him saying, yeah, what you think it means. And also kind of a hint to hide/lie to save the organization the headache of giving a crap about the talent they hire.

I remember going to SXSW when it was a direction.


What are you talking about? They Kardashians all have “K” names and there’s nothing wrong with them, is there?