
Dude’s gonna show up in the grays rubbing his lucrative salary in our faces.

“Poop and Lies: How I Swindled Rhode Island Taxpayers Out Of $75 Million”

It’s a working title, so bear with me.

That Kander burn is fantastic. Chickenhawks like Schilling are the worst.

Putin already has.

I would say that he definitely made the Kerrect call.

I agree that it’s not fair. But it sure is fun!

I tend to agree that Phil Jackson is overrated, but coaching and personnel management are very different skill-sets. It’s not really fair to imply that Phil being bad at being a team president retroactively makes him a bad coach.

So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.

I mean, Bernie and Hillary, behind all the spin, had very similar voting records. After she got the nom, she undoubtedly moved further to the left in an attempt to appease Dems who voted for the other guy. At a certain point (like, right now) it becomes the responsibility of voters to get over themselves and come

True, but bleacher report is still a shit filled dumpster fire. It’s like the Pepsi of sports websites.

More of a mild take, as it’s true

By...picking a DNC chair that’s near-identical to another DNC candidate? JFC this division is getting rediculous. “My guy says he’ll raise min wage by $10, and the other guy will only raise it by $9.50! CORRUPT RIGGED BERN IT TO THE GROUND!” Jeezy creezy.

Can’t wait for the Jill Stein voters to say this validates their votes in 2016, and refuse to support efforts to elect Democrats in 2018, because, really, when you come right down to it, Trump’s policies don’t really affect them very much.

Of COURSE they’re all white, too. And the one on the right has his wiener out for all to see.

That’s some good trolling.

Meanwhile, Olympic-level trolling inside:

Stop with the lies! This is the un-photoshopped picture