
I think the joke may have passed you by on this one.

This is one of my favorite responses to the whole celebrities-shouldn’t-talk-about-politics thing:

What right-wingers are upset by is that they can’t get any A-listers on their side. It drives them up the wall because they’re into celebs as much as everyone else and it just kills them that they’re always stuck with the likes of Scott Baio.

My favorite thing about conservatives who get upset about celebrities “getting political” is how they trot their own token conservative celebrities out the first chance they get:

And to think, Bryan Colangelo promised to drain the swamp.

Edgar Allan Poo...

Maybe quit kicking your nephew in the stomach, dick.

I have to say that Irish dude looks more like a racist Jewish caricature

Ugh. This is going to be a busy, busy week as a result of this new ban.

Can we say his election was just practice and we’ll have the real one now? Please and thanks 🙏

...alternatively, redirect your clicks to stories you want to read.

Or do you get your boxers in a bunch every time your local newspaper runs an article you do not personally care for, because you are so clearly forced to read every single column in said paper?

“It’s not showing off if you back it up! —Dolph Ziggler”

This is still less embarrassing than being a Lions fan.

You can’t be to careful. You have to let the police know you are unarmed.

Now I know why his career was cut short. Guy didn’t know the first thing about coverage.

Held up by giant elaphants on a giant turtles back.

yeah, because they don’t cover “the earth is round” until your 4th year at Duke.

Ours has never drowned a live mouse, but he does have little mouse toys that we regularly find floating in the bowl.

He’s also just a little overweight (not huge, but a little paunchy); had my wife not named him early on, I’d probably be calling him Don Catleone by now.’s gotten to the point where he brings them to us to sort them out in the end.

Definitely Broom Girl, unassisted, at 0:11.