
Glad a law firm is immediately acting to help this guy and hopefully others like him. I’d rather they not have to help but it’s always refreshing to know there are good people in this world ready to stand up for justice.

This is the end game of gerrymandering, no need for accountability.

I’m a huge Lebron fan (from his time on the Heat). There’s never been another player like him and there likely won’t ever be. He is definitely the man.

Fattest president since Taft? Fattest president since Taft.

Brave is a word I would use to describe a woman willing to fuck your disgusting ass.

Counterpoint: when white people speak out on such issues, they’re told that they are speaking over or speaking for PoC.

She’s from MA. She doesn’t have to try to be re-elected. That seat will be hers for as long as she wants it.

This is the plot of Speed 3. The bus will blow up if the team it is carrying goes below .500.

I think putting up such a strong opposition is definitely doing something. They may not be able to stop the confirmations, but they’re giving him hell. He has the fewest confirmed cabinet members by this point than any other modern POTUS.

“Aw, you’re still crying about how you think players in a championship game should take it easy and make sure they don’t hurt themselves? That’s so sad. Ask anybody who’s ever won a championship. They’ll tell you you can eat shit for thinking they should save it for the next game. Because there is no next game. The

You really think he’ll “respectfully decline” this once in a lifetime opportunity to be a Supreme Court judge? I think the odds are close to nil.

People have spent so long suggesting that Obama was behaving like a king that a guy comes along and actually flat out says ‘I should be king’ and it’s just a normal day in the United Bates of Psychoville.

If he even makes it to confirmation hearings. I wouldn’t be surprised if he “respectfully declines” the nomination after this weekend (read: Trump threatens him until he bows out).

I didn’t even respond to that lame-ass nonsense on Sunday/Monday whenever that went down. You were trying to defend a position too self-evidently stupid for me to bother. It was just kind of funny to see you trying to bust someone’s hump for their joke after you dropped that turd burger.

Obviously. I mean, Fila is much cheaper.

He’s free to have whatever opinion he wants. You, I, and Steph Curry are free to hold him accountable for that opinion. Free speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences, my dude. Sorry.

Fuck racists.

That’s the brand I know he’s built and one that, as of Wednesday afternoon, is something that I’m standing on.

Dispatch from Baltimore: UA is headquartered here and recently reached a controversial deal with the city to purchase a BUTTLOAD of land called Port Covington to build a huge “campus” in exchange for tax breaks from the city (Tax-Increment Financing or a TIF). The city has given out TIFs before under the guise of