
One of the most underreported aspects of this “temporary ban” is how transparently bullshit the purported justification for it is. Put aside all the arguments about which countries were included on the list and how they aren’t the ones producing terrorists that are killing Americans, and put aside the argument about

I feel like more than one person has uttered “bless your heart” to you in your life.

You know what the thing is that pisses me off the most? The US is gradually becoming less and less reliant on oil for power. In ten years or less, that pipeline is going to be utterly useless. But you know what would probably be very handy: A water pipeline, so that the Great Lakes states could sell water to the

My husband and I took a Lyft home from the airport protests at SFO this weekend. We were speaking with our driver about it and he asked if we could also please go to Standing Rock. He grew up there on a reservation and had been part of the protests up until he moved to California just a few months ago. I asked him

from where it is produced to where people need it

The photo was taken in Australia.

It is a universal truth that no matter what else is happening, Mariah is trying to look sexy.

You sure that’s not a British car?

every Democrat needs to realize that obstructing the government, blocking nominees, preventing votes, filibustering, etc has no fucking negative implications anymore.

About 15 min...oh my god

It’s about ethics in religious institutions.

Then muttered under his breath “But some matter more than others”

The same way that 53% of white women who voted live with themselves.

No, but it’s 2017. So 1939 was 78 years ago.

Wanna fucking bet?

I shit you not, somebody called the local sports radio show here in Detroit and claimed Barkley was better than James.

excellent point ginger, this is classic nostalgia syndrome and the original hot take for all former player talking-heads. or as Howard called it jockocracy.

The universe where people refuse to acknowledge that something from today can be as good as something from yesterday.

He also alleged that Barkley can’t walk away from the TV job for...some reason (probably unrelated to gambling losses): “I know he wanted to retire a long time ago, but he can’t...He’s stuck up on that stage every week.”

Well rest of the NBA’s Eastern Conference, LeBron’s in f-you mode now. You know what that means...