
that is a retired NHL player crushing the Grammy Award-winning artist Justin Bieber.

Forgive my ignorance about hockey (I live in South America... ahem.. Argentina in fact), but is this some hockey player crushing another NHL hockey player that happens to have the name Justin Bieber? Or is this actually the little harem pants wearing, basketball stylist, internationally known ... umm.. “vocalist”

They’ve really surpassed us today, in everything.

Oh, but when I send photos of Bieber being drilled from behind to Deadspin, I get no response. Typical liberal media, celebrating itself and marginalizing outsider voices!

christ...was that consensual?

...I was disappointed to see Theresa May, our unelected Prime Minister refuse to condemn this policy...

Ether became a verb after Nas created a song called “Ether” that destroyed Jay-Z lyrically and physiologically. It is one of the best rap dis tracks ever made. So much so that “Ether” became part of the Hip Hop lexicon meaning destroying one’s credibility. An “attempted” ethering doesn’t count.

My fellow commenters never star my shit. It isn’t because it isn’t funny, it’s because you all are a bunch of bad teammates. I’ve gone to management repeatedly about this and they kept saying who are you? And please stop talking to us. Magary just sent me a link to his book and HamNo just yelled unions repeatedly. It

RONDO: I’m a great teammate. I never would go to the media about my teammates.

I may be a lot of things, but I’m not a bad teammate.

Except the Kings are almost 70 years old, not 17. Johnson would have no interest.

I’ve seem several say they thought it was all just for show during the campaigns and that he’d settle down/become someone else entirely, I guess? They seemed to think his whole personality was just made up for reality tv.

You’re really giving him a lot of credit by suggesting anything he’s doing is part of anything even remotely resembling a plan.

Funny. I actually imagine an opposite scenario, in which everything falls apart and the Celtics regret acquiring Boogie.

We can’t play fantasy basketball

Every time I see Boogie put up a big performance like that, all I can think about is him being on the Celtics and how easily they could handle everyone in the East and possibly challenge the Warriors for the championship. Too bad it’ll never happen.

If you wanna get deep, you could argue the nationalism and islamophobia post 9/11 has pervaded and mutated into one of the main factors of electing Trump and that it was Bin Laden’s goal all along. Not the actual election of Trump persay, but the bet that the introduction of a spark of chaos into our society would

I have literally decided Trump is a greater threat to America than Osama bin Laden ever was.

By the same argument, she is saying that everyone on the left is an egg-throwing psychopath.

I mean, you could at least ACT like you’ve been there before. Either way, Packers fan here that will be rooting for your team in the SB. Regardless of the AFC representative.