
On Thursday, Facebook shared their growth in diversity for the last year.

The delivery peops I know aren’t totally against the idea of bad weather deliveries, as long as they are generously compensated. In general, they’re way better equipped for the harsh environs than the average couch dweller. Still, if you do order on a day like this, tip like a baller b/c the delivery is a damn LUXURY

I think his stands on every issue could be summed up in two words. Gotta love a candidate with consistent ideology.

I might be the only person who sees this as a positive sign that the U.S. will not give up so easily under the inevitable uprising of the robotioc overlords. USA! USA!!

I think the lesson here is that we have too many celebrities

Joni Mitchell actually introduced Crosby to Stills and Nash, effectively forming CSN in her house. By then she was an old pal to fellow Canadian Neil Young (and maybe Rick James too I think), from their west village coffee house days. She is the only person today who can give Bob Dylan shit for sloppy songwriting...

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Here’s another one: Waters’ movie theater PSA telling attendees not to smoke in the auditorium, while deeply enjoying a cigarette himself. The Charles in Baltimore used to run this all the time. Timeless

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Obligatory rock snob comment: Not as good as Fountains of Wayne doing Britney's "Hit Me Baby One more Time."

I have no direct evidence of this, but I suspect Facebook's constant insistence of "Top Stories" over "Most Recent Stories" is a fiendish attempt to ease the probably-near impossible requirement of assembling all your friends' news posts in less than a second for your perusal, given that "Top Stories" are probably

Also, I wish people would stop calling computer programs "bots," i.e. "newswriting bots"

Also she rhymes "engagement" with "some bacon," which is a pretty major achievement...

Ya'w go ahead and laugh, but they somehow just created the "viral video" she was singing about. As the guy harmonizes, that's the power of "social."

I never understood why spending MORE time sitting in an airplane is considered a perk.

Yeah, anyone over the poverty line choosing a Little Debbie over Hostess or some other rational snack choice is doing so because they are addicted to the secret chemically stuff designed to make you keep coming back. Sometimes for the whole box. Like with cigarettes, you just stop tasting the addictive chemicals