jo. e

It was, and still is, inexcusable behavior.

I would like to point out that Circle Health Services ( is a thing in Cleveland and it is lifesaving. They have a full medical, dental, and psychiatric center, and treat uninsured and underinsured. What you pay is based on your income. I pay nothing - NOTHING - and just got a

I hate to blame the victim, but if there is any area of your life that you are keeping secret—you’re gay, you’re trans, you did a stint in rehab, etc.—and you want to ensure it remains secret, perhaps going on a “reality” show is not the smartest move. How could Mr. Smith not have known that that little detail about

Everyone pissed off at Jeff Varner should be more pissed off at CBS and the producer of Survivor. Zeke Smith was going to be outed the minute he signed up for this show - as winning would have meant going into his bio for the media, which would have included his past. All of the vitriol aimed SOLELY at Varner is

Jeff didn’t out Zeke as transgender to a national audience, the producers of Survivor did that.

What the fresh hell... I sincerely hope that every bald headed black man who looks remotely like him can stay out of the sightlines of trigger happy cops. My prayers are for the victims and may this asshole burn in hell (if it exists).

I was on a date at an upscale café/restaurant (hella snooty) in Paris and recognised them. I kept looking over from time to time, they were just sitting there talking, nothing special when Pinault suddenly started yelling at the waiter because he was given the wrong drink or food. They left shortly after.*

I sometimes drop out of the media and didn’t catch your reference so I looked it up. My god. You’re right, it doesn’t put Ms. Hayek in a flattering light.

The way they’ve made her look is so eye-rolly for me. It’s like they’ve either made her a reverse snob, or completely clueless because she’s never watched TV or read magazines.

Yeah, I am ambivalent about this role for her. She grew up in a wealthy family, is super wealthy now and was never the type of person anyone would mistake for a maid. Let’s be clear, whether in Mexico or America her wealth allowed her privileges and exceptions to bias and prejudice that no other poor (or even middle

“a nasty and condescending billionaire”

I was going to say. Maybe Salma’s attitude toward Jessica Willams helped her with her “method” acting for this film. After that whole incident, I have a very skewed view of Ms. Hayek. It’s not a very pleasant one. Also why Hayek? I mean I understand, but I would have preferred it being an unknown.

Curious how her experience being married to a billionaire colors her performance

We also have Trump because America has a bunch of racist assholes who were willing to vote while the reasonable people stayed away from the polls for whatever stupid reason (raining, miss work, lazy, whatevs).

OMG you’re so right.

We can care about more than one thing at a time.

Uh huh. So, somehow, this article, which probably took 15 minutes to write, my comment, which took 2 minutes to write, and the fact that there was some pushback over an ad that lasted like a day, is going to somehow depress Democratic turnout in elections that are more than a year and a half away? Exactly how are the

Nobody thinks that the ad is meant to reflect Nivea’s dreams of a white supremacist utopia. But the idea of white representing purity, contrasted to black representing corruption and evil, absolutely has racist roots. “White is purity” echoes that sentiment. Even though I’m sure Nivea’s ad was not intended as a racial

I’m not a fan of cheating, but I think being born into royalty and the way they deal with marriage is such a bizarre and controlled thing that is honestly hard for me to be anything but happy for him and Camilla. They, and especially him, just seem so happy together. I know that he is insanely privileged, but I do