jo. e

thank you for sharing that. i must say, i am not convinced this man is mentally ill as we members of the public understand it, having watched the video where he explains his actions. he clearly is not psychotic, nor does he appear depressed. he understands exactly what he is doing, what the consquences are, and that

you would do better to disagree with the OP and not make ridiculous generalisations about the jezebel readership. i wonder if you realise that your own bias about how you think black people are portrayed in the media is showing?

i don’t understand this - i don’t watch survivor. once it became clear that none of the cast knew smith was transgendered, why wasn’t the segment cut and not broadcast? surely this did not need to become public knowledge? aren’t the people who make and broadcast this programme equallly at fault? i must be missing

don’t apologise for brining it up, hayek’s hypocrisy is relevent.

thank you for this; i was unaware off hayek’s exchange with williams. reading that la times article has made me feel really angry and quite honestly has put me off watching this film. i may calm down by june, but it is a dilemma.

i thought the narrative given in the new york daily news for the breakdown of this marriage was horribly islamophobic. no one knows that what happened.

i am not a fan of cheating either, but after all these years it seems so pointless to continue to cast blame, so i agree with you. if diana had lived she may well have been happily remarried by now.

yes! someone who actually knows what they are talking about.

“I’d like him a lot more if he didn’t pretend that all his unhappiness wasn’t self inflicted.”

or, just maybe he was aware of the the devastating emotional and poltical impact of his great uncle’s abdication and did not want to put his mother and family through that? how naive of you to think edward abdicated because he “cared”. he he was hoping to be reinstalled to the throne if hitler had won the war.

no, no no. in the 1970/80s, it would never have been acceptable for charles to marry a divorced women. his great uncle had to abdicate for doing the same. it would cause a scandal, even now, if william had wanted to marry someone who is divorced.

diana was 19 when she got married, which was too young. should she be blamed for that, or her family? should charles? they should not have got married; it was a human mistake. yet, after their divorce they had an amicable relationship. what is the point in holding on to blame when his own children don’t? i am a brit

how about you send an application in to stanford, without ahmed’s resume, but with black live matter repeated 100 times in your supporting statement, and see how far you get. if you really think ahmed’s statement got him into stanford, then it is you that has reading comprehension issues, as well as being naive to the

this is nonsense. he did not get accepted into stanford because of his statement. a quick look at his twitter page shows that he is well connected with an excellent cv. that is what got him admitted.

good lord. what a hostile, condescending and pompous comment. if you are a typical dylan fan, that does not reflect well on him. newsflash - dylan is not jesus, and his handling of this award situation was inept.

no it is not reasonable, it would be rude to just ignore someone who is trying to celebrate your work. even dylan got that. eventually.

how much do you know about him? you write as though you know him intimately. it is possible, likely even, that rather than moving to the beat of his own drum, he is a socially inadequate person who could not cope with interacting intimately with a large group of people. hence the hoodie and the limited numbers present

i don’t understand how the author of this article can applaud such deranged behaviour. hubert comes across as truly pathetic, and stuck in the past.

this story broke my heart. how that man must have suffered before he died, and his family surely continue to do so. why imprison a severely mentally ill man for drug possession anyway? how is that in the public interest? what a desperately sad story.

this is also true. plus the fact that his is obviously an alcoholic with broken capillaries in his face.