
Isn’t this also exactly Steve Jobs’ bio?  

Because Cali isn’t using the money to do anything constructive about it. They want to build more and wider freeways so another million more cars can get on the highway and drive to-and-fro to the new industries spewing pollution. And then, the money gets used half for private plane trips, and the other half gets used

Hey failing Jalopnik, you know what’s really in rescission? How ugly Volkswagens are! That’s was really funny, I give myself an A+ on humor there. Look, we’re gonna get a beautiful result with China. I have tremendous respect for China, and women - broads all over the world. Now watch me count from 10 to 1!

Poor widdle Volkswagen AG. Why can’t the just allow the process of economic attrition—by the mind-fuck that is the trade status quo with China--to continue so that a European multinational corporation can continue to deliver a higher profit there from the fruits of stolen IP and a near-scheduled and politically

“The trade war between the U.S. and China, a dramatically mismanaged fiasco orchestrated by President Trump...”

Jalopnik hasn’t been objective in years. Some days every article I read is 90% snark/sass and 10% regurgitated specs from a press release.

I have already stopped visiting Gizmodo because they no longer cover tech news, just political bullshit all the time. Oh and every other post is an ad. Please don’t make me stop visiting Jalopnik.

I guess this site and specifically the Morning Shift posting is just part of the “resistance”, as every morning is nothing but whack the Trump pinata again.

Hahahahahaha...sorry, let me catch my breath. With a 12, nigh 13 year old Audi you are basically buying yourself the scary Victorian house at the end of the street that everyone marvels at but you know people get murdered and turned into wall art in there. I’m telling you from experience, do NOT go in there.

Ah yes, the old “Schrodinger’s Cop” problem.

What you said: