Jerry Wiegert's Hair Helmet - Deceased

What would happen if you put dimples on a cannonball?

Luckily, my genetics allowed me to spatially efficient.  I can fit easily into all manner of interesting sports cars and not be excluded from the opportunity.  

♪ ♫ The tunnel started getting low,
the tiny ship got stuck.
If not for the courage of the fearless crew,
the Minnow would be fucked.
The Minnow would be fucked. ♩ ♬

Hands up all who wondered why their was some sort of water filled tunnel under LAX 

They’re gonna need a smaller boat!

I assume “HMS Doomed” and “HMS Fucked” were already taken.

When the HMS Terror and Erebus first launched” - I mean with a name like that, of course it was doomed

How can you know whether a Camaro has been repaired properly if you don’t drive it like an aggressive a-hole on public roads?

I think MANY a woman can attest to the harm that Bailey’s can cause. “How did I end up pregnant”...?

Why does it feel like it’s actually getting hotter?

Were you going to post some pictures of the wrecked truck? I think those pics are from how they come from the factory.

Canadian Auto Theft:

Baileys can melt steel beams. 

They could do it, but it would require platform screen doors at every station, which in turn requires computer-based train control. Since CBTC that threatens MTA drivers’ job security, it will never happen.

Don’t let anyone tell you EVs aren’t doing well in terms of sales.”

So for $25K, I could Inca deal on an Aztec?

I’m sure this will be PG-13, but that means there’s a slight chance Guenther gets the one allowed F-bomb.

CHOICE color. So good. 

He’s really going to be mad when he gets deported and has to live out his days in Winnipeg.

Holy shit!