
This reminds me of a great joke I know:

They may have passed on Playmakers, but FX decided on The Shield over a Jason Priestly drama called Dope that FX produced in-house - or so says Alan Sepinwall in The Revolution Was Televised.

So good. +1

That Hershey's sign is soooo very distracting, as is all of Times Square.

Regarding three names that were a "surprise" when suspensions were handed out (Bastardo, Valdespin, Escalona), had you heard rumblings of these guys before, but maybe didn't have the paper trail to confirm? Were there/are there others you're surprised haven't been popped yet?

...too many trolls.

Inanimate Carbon A-Rod

Church really should have taken the advice he got from Tony Romo to just suck all the time.

There is no logic behind Aron relinquishing his Icelandic soccer identity.

The two terms most associated with "God" were "me" and "my."


TMZ Exclusive: Pics of Slugger's Tip Shatter Clean Image

Pictured: A guy who'll help your team light up the scoreboard and Andrew Bynum.

Do I detect just a soupcon of empathy here?

5. I know his numbers were more inflated by Coors Field than by steroids (mostly because he got hurt way too much to be a qualified roid head), but Larry Walker's season of .350/.449/.662 with 38 home runs and 123 RBI being good enough to garner one tenth place vote is just stupid.

Absolutely fantastic, and a textbook example of a story about professional wrestlers that isn't at all hampered by the tropes that dog the industry. Thank you, Tom!



Okay, "toying" may be a little hard to justify. How about "enduring"? And, say what you want about the nations they've played, but they are like 16-4-5 in '12-'13.

US Soccer's strongest and most dangerous when countering