I'm glad you feel that way, even if I don't think that opinion really shines through in your piece on the gold medal game. In any event, thanks for hanging around so long today.
After stories concerning Joe Paterno (obsessed with his legacy) and Lance Armstrong (cocky and brash), does it bother you that you covered the US Women's Soccer Team as a cocky and brash team obsessed with their legacy? Did they deserve that treatment, in hindsight?
As a proud Italian-American, I feel this guy's pain. I react in exactly the same manner when I go to the Olive Garden the week after they've got the Never Ending Pasta Bowl.
Lewis was asked about his new team, and whether it would take time to build a rapport with more seasoned broadcast partners. "I've learned the key to reading quarterbacks like Trent and Steve," he said, "is to follow their eyes. That said, expect me to be baffled at most of what Stu is trying to say."
Man, I'm going to need an extra tier on my bookmarks bar just for kinja spinoffs.
When asked how many hacks he would get in batting practice, Roker said that it was just him, he couldn't convince anyone else from Today to make the trip.
Could you have asked for a better way to show off the annotation feature?
I was really surprised when NBA Jam: OFE (eventually) updated its rosters this season, for free. The game was as good as it was ever going to be, and all it needed was timeliness, to which EA (!) obliged.
"If you're a civilized society fan being oppressed by a patriarchy right now, you were treated to two treatises!"
This guy's been kind of a cock since college.