
I'm halfway with you on your first point, but all the way with you on your second point. Agree or not agree, I think this criticism as a whole is thoughtful to the gamer and to the universe the creators envisioned, and begs for more. Well done.


"I wanted to shake as many hands as possible. I'm closer to my fans than black on me."

Honestly, if you don't want this kind of press scrutiny, don't party in Buttland.

Jared quickly found out that Butt Chugging Beers was not as much fun in prison.




Ha! +1

Too good. +1

The real story here is the Bucks' "Turn Back the Clock" jerseys, which turned back the clock to that moment in history when deers had eyebrows and were part snake.



Reverse Cowbaugh


Jerry may have been a bit more successful if he was open to dealing with periods.


"who is black,"

+1 Nice
