
Late to the party, but it's a rager. +1

Agreed, like this a lot. +1


+1. The article itself references a time this season that the play successfully picked off one of the better basestealers in the game. All pickoff attempts slow down the game, but are methodical. One could argue that when pitcher stays on the rubber and twirls around to second without throwing, it's also a stupid


The real victim of this crime is recent Alabama University grad Krystal Restaurant, as all future prospective employers will now get this headline as their first hit on an initial Google search.

Back in May 2011, a person we'll call Joe wanted to find a reliable place where he could make some plays.


+1. This guy deserves a SHOTY Lifetime Achievement Award.

"This is all wrong. The process should go: 1) Start Betting Blog. 2) Run Betting Blog Into Ground. 3) Profit."

Cole Hamels : "Fake Tough" :: Chien Ming Wang : "Real Soft"




Agreed. There was some amazing hustle in that thread with a ton of great submissions. I hope that the rapid fire element of it isn't lost on a system that is built to highlight only a few isolated discussions. I guess the only way to remedy would be to reply to just one comment with a thread of that nature?

Oof +1



Ha +1

Warning: Play With Like Colors Only