
“Oracle, is playing something of a cliched emotional labor supporting-wife role” can women not support the man they love in media without some kinda hot take or deconstruction? its her husband, why not reassure him when he has doubts, that how it works right?

Stay with me here, I got a crazy theory:

When Jim Sterling doesn’t like a Dynasty Warriors game, you know something is up.

If Lu Bu can’t outright kick your ass the first time you meet him then they fucked up plain and simple.

Not only was the guide awful, the online part of the guide was taken down after about a year, making the guide virtually useless.


I said no on this game when they locked Story mode content behind grinding and forced pvp. Seems every new article and comment is hurting the game even more.

But not doing much fighting only to die spurring on Gohan is, in the context of the story, perfectly true to 16's character. The whole thing with 16 is that he’s effectively a pacifist. He won’t fight except to fulfill his programming, which is to kill Goku. He travels with 17 and 18, but doesn’t engage in their

I preferred this other one from Nerf Now

And a majority of western manga fans were unaffected, thanks to no one knowing Rurouni Kenshin was still being published.

They will adapt or they will die. It is not difficult to make a monetization model that is both fair to consumers and makes the company lots of money. Where the companies fuck up is wanting ALL the money. Not just lots of money, ALL the money.

Now playing

The cost of producing games has actually gone down in the past years. They do not need to make it up in other ways – they really just want to squeeze more money out of games.

Worker and consumer rights are absolutely moral issues, largely because compensation for labor and the cost of goods (at least under capitalism) is fundamentally exploitative in execution. Usually, we roll with it and that’s fine. For instance, I don’t have a problem giving my guy at the bodega a buck for a soda even

thanks. wasn’t sure what was happening

That definitely clears it up tremendously (and the double-cock-Futa bukkake line is priceless).

“As a company we love single-player more than anything, and believe in it absolutely - for storytelling and a sense of immersion in a world, multiplayer games don’t rival single-player games.” - Rockstar Games director of design Imran Sarwar insists the success of Grand Theft Auto Online and lack of narrative-driven G

Three games in one? The single-player felt half-assed compared to previous games in the series. Nobody’s story really went anywhere, and Franklin may as well have been killed off halfway through for all the character development he had past that point. The ending felt like the devs just threw their arms up and said

Loot boxes are similar to Booster Packs of any TCG ever... the only difference is RNG.

I wonder what Goldeneye on the N64 would have been like if it were released with loot boxes.