
Know the only thing less original or funny than these weekly comic digests? The people who show up each and every week to complain about them.

They do know their audience. Their audience are the people who go to their website to read their comics.

No, it’s comedy for a selective audience.

Wait, androids are cyborgs now or is this another case of Japan using words out of context because they sound cool?

Tien’s Tri-Beam is fired in a triangle but leaves a rectangle blast hole. Figure that shit out.

All I wanna do, is see you turn into a giant robot. A giant robot!!

Wait... there’s a time-sensitive quest in the offline, single-player Final Fantasy game I have sitting on my shelf?


To be honest, the only way Sega will ever get me to buy a Sonic game at this point is if they put Sally Acorn in it.

Thing is, most American don’t give a fuck. It’s stupid to generalize like that in general, but more so here. It’s that advertisers give a fuck and that’s a special unique breed in its own right.

“Without fast-forward, I probably would’ve stopped playing Final Fantasy XII somewhere in the third dungeon. Which would’ve been a shame, because this seems like a pretty good game.”

I replayed XII using the japanese rerelease edition and an english patch and it was pretty much exactly how i remembered.

Back on PS2 I put 40 hours into it before I woke up one day and realized there was almost nothing I liked about the game. The story was boring, as were most of the characters. Vaan is a terrible protagonist. The art direction and level design is not even remotely up to series standards. Gameplay was ok but from what I

I will never understand this mindset. “Man, if only gamers had tolerated a product that didn’t meet their expectations we cold have gotten DLC.” While every criticism sure as hell isn’t valued, stop pretending that consumer desiring decent products is somehow indecent. “it was still 100% playable” Wow. Hot-damn. What

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

Nerf Now had a fun little Metroid storyline

I would buy a Bomberman funko

I’m confused as to why this one was not on there...

$34-$40 with 10 ports. I have a 6 port station at work, and at home I have 2 stations 1 four and the other 5. But I could use a 3rd.

I’m confused as to why this one was not on there...

$34-$40 with 10 ports. I have a 6 port station at work, and at

Item breakage in games is always bullshit. And when it’s manageable, like for example in the Witcher, it’s even more bullshit, because why even have that system then? If it’s for realism, then it’s still bullshit because item durability doesn’t work like that in the real world. If it’s to make some stupid point about

So, it’s gonna be called “Father”?