
It’s easy to not screw up an adaption of something into a film. Its called treating the original source material and designs with respect. It was popular for a reason, so why does Hollywood constantly think it knows better and changes everything up.

People want to be able to play the game and unlock the tings they want, but want the amount of time to exist in some reasonable realm, the method for unlocking to be mostly deterministic, the ability to unlock not to be gated by some “event schedule”, want grinding to be contained on games built around grinding, and

It’s still something you stream.  It’s not like you’re getting the Blu-Ray or DVD.  Which means you’re really not owning it.  You “own” it only as long as your Amazon account is valid.

It’s still something you stream.  It’s not like you’re getting the Blu-Ray or DVD.  Which means you’re really not

Uneducated take, perhaps. Not for you? Absolutely acceptable there.

Still the best live-action iteration of Superman.


Fallout 76 is the gift that keeps on giving:

That’s a lot of almond milk!

Should have posted this one:

My brother went on a trip and I had them buy this guide for me. I was almost to the end of the game and wanted to use the guide to grab a lot of good stuff before the end. I also wanted it to help me out with the card game. I waited two days anxiously awaiting my guide (I loved the guide for VIII, so I thought this

Please stop using the “entitled” argument for everything. It’s like you people expect us to just sit here and accept every half-assed product without speaking out against it and holding the company to the quality people are used to getting for years. Yes there’s a wrong way to go about protesting, but as soon as one

Blizzard used to be a company that valued quality enough to shelve a substandard product, but releasing a mobile game that pales in comparison to its origins is clearly not that. Its announcement at Blizzcon like it’s some sort of noteworthy thing is just another nail in the coffin indicating that prioritization of

Remember guys: if a company does something you don’t like, don’t ever complain about it or make fun of them. You don’t want to be disrespectful and hurt their feelings.

Brave Fencer Musashi had a lot of oddball humor in it, with the titular character being a bit of a knobhead. That, however, isn’t the joke; the reference is to how Musashi would *suddenly* discover new techniques at really strange times (like eating a fish)—and said techniques never had any real, logical connection to

The other side of that coin is for publishers to adjust and reign in their budgets accordingly with their projected sales and intended audience to make a profit off a $60 price tag.

Is there evidence that companies can’t make a profit at $60?

Now playing

This game truly deserves a remaster. My favorite scene from the game is this one:

Monetizing is fine. Using the most scumbag psychological tactics possible that tap into impulse gambling now, makes it a whole new thing. A lot of people expect more out of Nintendo and they are showing that they are just as corporate and greedy as anybody else when it comes to trying to manipulate people with

Gotta give it to old Fart Roll, he’s really done well for himself in spite of his name