
The Warriors games are built around capturing/keeping points on the map. Each level has objectives like capture A/kill B while defending C and keeping D alive. There’s a lot of plates to keep spinning, that’s the tactical aspect.

The thumbnail for Feedly is still the one that looks like a hoo-ha. Hoped I wasn't the only one that saw that, glad to see I wasn't.

This is the last time I’ll be replying to you. You’re putting words in peoples mouths and implying that they have hidden agendas behind their motives. What the hell is wrong with you? How can you sit there and make baseless accusations without any concrete evidence? How are you even remotely helping the fight for

I’m tired of hearing “you haven’t seen the movie yet”.

One, his fans pestered him on his opinion on the new movie, the video didn’t come about in a vacuum. Two, he pointed out the sexism of labeling the movie “female Ghostbusters”. Three, the only “group” he actively complains about was Sony for starting to make and market the movie right after Harold Ramis’s death and

No, he really didn’t. He voiced his opinion on it. He didn’t think it was the right time for a remake of it. He even clearly states that it would have been better if they had made a movie with the original four training these new people to take over, and passing the torch to them. He points out what he doesn’t like

And again its because AVGN is a huge Ghostbuster fan. His vlog wasn’t supposed to be a crusade against Big bad hollywood. It was to address his fans. The fans that keep asking him if he was going to review it because they want to see his take on the film. Just because lots of websites picked up his video and plastered

I love AVGN. Mostly just the AVGN videos but sometimes I watch the Mike and Matt Mondays. I’m a subscriber but I don’t watch everything everyone that I subscribe to puts out. That’s an option. I didn’t know he made a statement about the new Ghostbusters movie but I don’t see anything inherently wrong with saying it’s

“his point is more to do with how we’ll never get a Ghostbusters 3 with the original cast,” Um no his point was the fact that this movie doesn’t tie directly with the originals as a direct sequel. He wanted original cast members even if it was just to pass the torch to the new team. He doesn’t like that by the

This comment section, almost every week, is full of “I’m too cool to laugh at <this and this and this comic>” Yet they’re here every week...

Just upgrade the freaking thing! It doesn’t even take an hour and it’s so easy that you won’t have to go looking for your files or software they will just be there and it’s so much like Windows 7 that you won’t even struggle for a second to figure it out. It’s literally the easiest computer upgrade ever*.

It’s interface is...basically windows 7. Are you sure you weren’t using 8? The first time I ever saw 8 I was helping someone and I was completely thrown. Meanwhile, I updated from 7 to 10 and...shrug. People didn’t like 8 so 10 is like 7 again (at least in desktop mode or whatever). Unless the last actual version you

Screw the game (still, very sad for the devs, tho), but can they just keep making these figures, perhaps in limited runs, so I can buy them all? I will buy them all.

Two scenarios I foresee are that the game is mediocre and gets mediocre reviews, reviewers then get a ton of angry messages/threats from angry fanboys.

You can open a CD/DVD tray that is stuck. Unbend, find the little hole and push in. Don’t use it to pry the thing open.

breakdown of video for easy access:

Or chewing gum.

Advent Children is far from shit, it’s pure fan service to the fans of the FF series and FF7, it never promised a deep complex philosophical story, it promised hi-octane action scenes and revisiting the beloved places and characters from the game, and it delivered all that in spades, what the heck did you expect it to

The 30-inch Zyla

I love how people continue to act like Windows 10 is Windows 8.2. It really isn’t. It really, really, really isn’t. I know it’s hard to believe that Windows 10 is actually a competent operating system, but it actually is quite stable now. It’s like you all are still basing your opinions of Windows 10 on old alpha