
You know what they say: when life gives you lemons, set them on fire.

Welcome to 2016 where the outrage is made up and the talking points don’t matter.


It’s the feathers. From the old to the new they always need feathers. Someone covered in a feather armor. A feather in the hair. Raining feathers. Feathers explosions when you pull a sword. Winged monsters that drop feathers when they fly. FEATHERS!

It’s the characters and the world building for me. You have to get me invested in the characters and their plight within the world. These days the stories they create just don’t draw me in or seem important at all. If the cast of a Final Fantasy game is full of well written characters with strong development that all

IMO What makes a final fantasy game a final fantasy game is the epic stories with a heavy focus on its primary cast of characters. Final Fantasy games usually have really great character development in their games.

I really liked lightning i thought she was cool but the games she was in were not all that great. I would

Do you know why I don’t think FFXII was a good Final Fantasy game? Because it was the real start of both the westernization of game mechanics, implementing the half-assed MMO-like battle system that set all your other characters up as AI and also the start of the weird ass plots that focused more on some political

You know what? Comparing the cast of XV to Gundam Wing just made me that much more interested in the game.

It stopped working when they tried to change it. All the games were turn based and they were super popular, they added atb but they stayed turned based for the most part. FFX was that last good FF single player game, they’ve tried too much experimentation after that and fucked up the series.

Derp. I read that as “too many cocks”.

I’m just the opposite, I went back down to a single screen because I noticed that I focused more on my work that way. With the second screen I tend to try to multitask too much and end up just getting a little bit of two things done instead of getting something done and over with.

judo served me well enough. i couldn’t hit harder than a bully but i could use their strength against them. that plus i found martial arts to bring a lot of peace to me even now when i get frustrated. you are right the bully does pick on the wrong person, one who won’t back down like the bully expects. if the bully

i’ll be honest.. the moment they shift their pain on someone else.. i could care less about the bully’s pain. plus quite a few of them are in a good home.. and i certainly am not going to feel bad for a spoiled bully.

As long as I can fight as a buu-girl again.

Meh, getting worked up over the things people mod into games is pretty silly.

The thing jutting out from the left side of your steering column is used to let people know you want to turn. It should be used PRIOR to merging over. Generally, activate signal, look over your shoulder, if clear merge, otherwise wait.

I never understand why some people obsess so much with finding real life logic to anime hairstyles. Or any other artistic stylization in animation from any country, for that matter.

That’s just how it is with anime. Some artists styles are so simple, especially in regards to female characters that are supposed to be pretty, that their hair becomes the most unique and distinguishing feature about them. So, stand-out details like that spike get exaggerated over time, and evolve into their own

Every single one of those I would consider the parents job. Matter of fact, those should be handled before they get into high school.

Take a deep breath. Not everything has to be the literal, technical, exact, scientific truth to 10-digits. Read the last sentence again: “can help keep you in check” — even this is not a definitive statement (as opposed to “will help”). The author is trying to give people who cannot control their spending, a group