
So I can understand that a 6 year old should not be using the N word, but if you listen to the noise (music) that the new generation listens to, you will hear the black ‘artists’ using the word all the time, but they get offended when a white person uses the word. I have witnessed many times young children (not just

Thumbs up for The Night Manager! A very well written series!

Where do you see the Crash games for $20? They are $29

Where do you see the Crash games for $20? They are $29

You have to add the oldtimer burger, then add the promo code

I use TrueCaller on my Android phone and it is really nice, enhanced caller ID, plus one tap call block, and it can also handle SMS/MMS if you are so inclined.

I have 4 cats, no issue with separation, except for one who was my sisters cat, after she was killed in a traffic accident, he kept waiting for her to come back home, it took a few months for him to realize she was not coming back. :(

I have two external USB3 hard drives, and neither one of them have an option for policies. I am running 1809.

Worth mentioning is that the site is obviously created by a team located in the UK (the spelling and currency give it away), so allot of the services that they mention are only available in the UK.

Just for S&G I downloaded and ran the program on my Asus motherboard (not computer) and it came back clear, though I honestly was not worried seeing as I have never downloaded anything directly from Asus except BIOS/UEFI updates, and even though Live updater is present and running on my system, it came with the

What I would do (and have done, more so with Amazon then restaurants) is edit my review to say that person X contacted me and asked me to change my response. By all means keep the 1 star ratting, and if you feel so inclined to do so, edit (or add another) to share the owners response.

Is there going to be an add-on for Thunderbird as well? I use it to check all my email (I hate using web based email interfaces)

I work for a major online retailer, fulfilling orders. Our immediate manager, “Area Manager” is only ~30 years old, an immigrant from Peru (heavy accent) and also this is allegedly her first job. She does not know how to operate the equipment that we use, but has zero problem in telling us how we are supposed to do

For the cell phone(s) get adguard (adguard.com). Another thing to do while on the cell phone (Android) go to settings, Google, tap on Ads, tap on Opt out of Ads Personalization, also you can tap on Reset advertising ID, this will generate a new ad ID number, do this as often as you want to (or just use the

You don’t have to pay me anything, I refuse to use Facebook! The only ‘social media’ I use is Twitter, and I basically only use to get a hold of Xfinity (Comcast) 

Amazon is reporting that the yellow lights will not be back in stock for 1 or 2 months, and the pink (which is more expensive) will not be in stock until next week.

Amazon is reporting that the yellow lights will not be back in stock for 1 or 2 months, and the pink (which is more

So I do not and never have done illegal drugs, and I work for Amazon, driving heavy equipment. Part of the pre employment is coming to them and submitting to a drug screening that uses a cotton swab in the mouth for 10 minuets (very uncomfortable) and then they mail it to a lab and you wait X days for the results. I

I use True Caller on Android, and I have found it to be very useful, it blocks known spam calls and allows you to submit a number as SPAM and after a certain number of reports it goes to the black list for everyone.

My sister has a few student loans that she acquired almost 8 years ago, however the issue is twofold: 1) The school(s) she was attending never allowed her to complete her training and get a certificate (Radiology), even though she was more then ready, she was given many excuses as to why they could not give her