He’s not at all bothered by this. Now he can devote more time to his start up video game company.
He’s not at all bothered by this. Now he can devote more time to his start up video game company.
I honestly hate that people think cars have to fall into one category or another. as if miatas have to have rollbars and tiny wheels added to be fun. if this was a 53 ford truck bagged and with visible body rust and other patina around you would probably like it. He is doing something different yes even for…
$2.5M is only 5% of $50M.
Schilling threatened to tell ‘the whole story’ to Rhode Island taxpayers.
Article too long. Can someone summarize it for me in the form of a meme?
Mac? Sorry pal, I’m a Windows guy.
Why are you asking about MAC games!? Ha! Get a load of this guy, everybody!
One of these prototypes had been parking at my apartment complex several nights a week all summer long. Turns out it was driven by a college intern who was tasked with gathering data for cold start engine calibration. The only thing i did as a summer intern was clean stuff and surf the internet. What a lucky bastard.
“I agree with Trent’s position on this and I spent the better part of 40 years not letting something as horrible as child rape interfere with my responsibilities to my football team.”
About living in Allentown or the train?
I bet Lochte was pissed.
During the national anthem I was lying naked on my couch trying to eat corn chips off my chest without using my hands. I hope I didn’t offend anybody.
This seems like a great place for me to talk about my fantasy draft. I picked some players but also didn’t pick some players. To be honest, I just set the auto draft and let it go.
Honorary Pilot: Goh Wong Wei
The New York Post covered this story this morning, but their headline said: Typical Millennial Asks For A Free Ride
What part of being a cop means only serving people who think you’re great?
Oh yeah? what did your roster end up looking like? Just kidding. No one gives a fuck.