
Me, besmirch? I would never besmirch!

It's The Guy From Travis* AND The Guy From Franz Ferdinand*. What more do you want?!

It's not a strawman. It's a question: why is it "serving your country" to fight an aggressive war in a country thousands of miles away that is in no way threatening your country?

That's not an answer. Why is it the responsibility of Americans to fight a war in Vietnam?

Remind me again why America was fighting a war in Vietnam?

You want me to be nice about incipient fascism?

Don't get me wrong: Trump is much, much worse than Clinton, and people should definitely have voted against him even if they didn't like her.

1) Reactionaries (people who agree with the shit Trump was saying).
2) Idiots (people who thought he didn't mean it).

If anything it's the Queen who's the exception. Whatever respect there is for her and for the institution, I don't think it extends to most of her family.

He's widely perceived as having treated her badly.

There's a petition to Parliament against Trump's state visit. Currently up to 811,000 signatures and counting.

More that the institution of monarchy should really have been left behind in some previous century.

It turns out that Sadako's true curse was an endless series of sequels, prequels, remakes, and ripoffs.

Resident Evil: Zombie B8

Why would Theresa May condemn it? She's more likely to emulate it.

Quick, to the I Ching!

Saudi Arabia literally wouldn't even exist without British and American support.

Also notable about that list of countries: most of them have been bombed or invaded by the US. What an odd coincidence!

When has the US ever had a government anywhere near as far to the left as your current government is to the right? If that had happened, you'd have a National Health Service.

Pretty sure he's also crossed the US constitution (on religious freedom) and international law (on refugees).