
From what I've seen of it, it seems a bit like (British sitcom) Peepshow but with songs?

Rachel Bloom is the walking refutation of the idea that "women aren't funny". Your mileage may, quite possibly, vary.

It's problematic, I agree. Something something virtue signaling.

"Stewart Lee: he's not as good as Richard Herring, is he?" - Richard Herring

I'd have to disagree with you; when a horror movie is acclaimed by critics, it's generally with good reason. Films like The Witch, Under the Shadow, The Babadook, etc are far superior in every respect to Insidious-Sinister 2: Electric Baghoulou, The Ring 5 (as if Ring hadn't already been run into the ground 15 years

You win the special prize of being told what Asda is!

Which is a grave injustice, when adults with the political understanding of 4-year-olds can vote.

If you don't have a strong opinion on 1 Direction, then congratulations on never having worked in Asda.

The resistance to the Italian Fascist and German Nazi invasions was presumably, for the most part, led and participated in by the same people who had opposed the Greek fascist regime, and would later oppose the post-WW2 dictatorship?

Nobody calls you the space cowboy or the gangster of love, Maurice, you fuckin' liar.


Sure, "all organized religion is archaic dogshit" is pretty reductive. Is it too much to ask that you judge people as individuals, that you take into account exactly how they personally understand and live by their religious beliefs?

Yeah, yeah, it's my fault you say stupid, ignorant bullshit that you can't even begin to justify. God, it's so fucking pretentious when people don't just accept your stupid, ignorant assertions, isn't it?

I'm sorry, please explain to me what it is that I've missed in the statement "Islam sucks butthole". There's very little there to understand or misunderstand.

And chose Sarah Palin (she was ahead of her time!) as his VP.

And chose Sarah Palin (she was ahead of her time!) as his VP.

Personally, I'd regard liberalism as pretty weak on the issue of distribution of wealth and (therefore also) political power.

To say (as you did) that "Islam sucks butthole" isn't exactly a complex or nuanced argument. Therefore, you're not really in a position to be calling anyone a moron for not getting whatever finer points you might possibly have in mind. If you want to do that, express yourself better and more carefully.

Personally, if I was gonna be a founder of philosophy, I'd write some shit down myself before I got executed.

Oh, that's not true! It's that reducing global warming might cut into the profits of the oil companies.