
To be fair, John McCain (that well-known left-winger!) has explicitly likened Trump to a dictator.

See the far-right English Defence League's LGBT wing or Jewish wing or their token Sikh member. Honestly, if you're gay or Jewish or Asian and you join such an organisation, you'd be well advised to watch your back because the people ostensibly on the same side as you are quite likely to attack you.

The new alt-right are exactly as 'cool' as the tedious old right-wing bastards, because they say exactly the same ill-informed, irrational, unconsidered prejudiced bullshit. There is no literally no political difference. They're just a bit younger.

White suit? Check!
Far too much jewelry? Check!

Your shortcoming is not understanding that Islam is a major world religion that has been followed by people in many different countries, from both genders, in all social classes, for more than a millennium and that (like, for example, Christianity) is necessarily, in practice, open to huge variations of interpretation.

That's sober rational talk if ever I heard it.

"Yeah, I like this band as much as you do, but I'd really prefer it it you didn't use the back of your head to break my nose, thanks so much for understanding."

Spoiler: Old Age always wins. If all else fails, Old Age has Death backing it up.

Queen Elizabeth II: "could be worse, you could have president Farage or Blair! Think about that for a second. Suddenly monarchy doesn't seem so bad, eh?"

If you won't promote you, who will?


Maybe he joined the Merchant Navy?

"Uhm, do you have a minute? Uh… would you, uh, go out with me?"
"Uh… sorry, but… no?"
"Uhm, ok… fair, enough, I wouldn't either (in, like, your place)."

"What a Jew!"
"Muslims, eh?"
"That's so gay!"
"Immigrants! They often don't speak English as if it was their first language!"
"Fuckin' women, amirite?!"

Well, that's conspiracy theories for you: 20% reasonable scepticism, 80% sheer insanity.

Clearly political correctness is the real and present danger when Trump is president of the USA and Marine Le Pen is a realistic candidate for president of France (to say nothing of Golden Dawn, Jobbik, UKIP & EDL/BNP/NF/etc, etc). Clearly!

Remember 'Leon'? That film seemed somewhat fuckin' wrong. That's because it (apparently) was (aside from all the murdering, which we kind of expect in an action movie or game).

Yeah, but Takashi Miike makes good films (at least some of them, I've only seen about 4% of the total).

Yeah, I haven't read it in about 15 years, but if I remember it correctly it could be adapted into a film quite straightforwardly and effectively by people like Ken Loach/Paul Laverty (Not that it's something that really NEEDS to made right now).

Not sure if you're a scamp or actually a neo-Nazi? In 2017 it could easily go either way.