
This Joffrey sounds like just the sort of anti-establishment figure to shake things up and make Westeros great again.

…and there was no more terrorism, and they all lived happily ever after.

Rather than an impersonal old website, you can now petition the President in person, on your knees.*

Britain has a similar thing. You get an email saying "The government has responded to this petition: No."

Despite having seen the (terrible) trailer and now a review, I still can't entirely believe that it isn't just a joke.

Because it's not as if the Ring series has been run into the ground yet!

Honestly, I'd say 'The Ring' is a perfect example of the bad American remake rather than an exception to the rule.

And now they do know of Atom and His Package and they can never go back to those halcyon days of blissful ignorance. The sun to them is cold and silent as the moon.

So he invaded Russia, had a few laughs, and went home?

This makes Phil Anselmo a sad pony.


Not even Slayer know what the deal is with Slayer.

Christ! It turns out there is a band whose lyrics are as bad as Say Anything's.

You just have to change the title to:

No need to look back! We've got Theresa May now, who is the Second Coming of Thatcher, or so the Daily Mail keeps telling us as if it was a good thing.

What could possibly be worse than the EU?

Sure, there's always somebody who'll collaborate for whatever reasons, but the Nazi's offer to Russian collaborators was much the same as that to Jewish ones: "we'll kill you last". Not exactly enticing or a recipe for good morale. Hence why the collaborationist 'Russian Liberation Army' was considered completely

Tell that to the people of any country that actually has been invaded in living memory. Ideologically, maybe; in every other respect, probably not.

"So, yeah, this French dude, Napoleon invades Russia, and yaddah yaddah, get's all the way to Moscow. I forget how it ends."

That maybe does a bit of a disservice to the often forgotten Jews (sans superpowers) who actually did resist the Nazis.