
But the Mexicans are going to pay for that! Oh wait, they're not? The Mexican government aren't going to bankrupt Mexico to assuage anti-immigrant sentiment in the US at the risk of alienating all Mexicans of every political persuasion? Well, I am amazed at this development!!!

Yeah, the election of Donald Trump is a real blow against the Whig interpretation of history.

His general point is correct and in an ideal world would be uncontroversial. That doesn't mean that Trump isn't an infinitely worse option than Obama.

Best case scenario: things get steadily worse.
Worst case scenario: ???

Make Kramerica Great Again!

What, humanity?

When did pissing people off become a good enough reason in politics?

I for one am looking forward to hearing a belligerent idiot's late night Tweets reported as news for the next several years.

Well, the premise is: "I read this Stephen King story…"

And you could cut the excitement with a knife!

I'd be absolutely fine with that if I personally didn't ever have to hear his shit again.

Because the liberals and the left are meant to just acquiesce to anything, up to and including fucking bullets though our heads, while the right-wingers piss and moan about things that don't even affect them in any way.

The "small controversies" weren't small. That Trump is apparently an immoral scumbag, an idiot, sounds a lot a like a fascist and is endorsed by the KKK and other organisations of the far-right, are not minor concerns.

Putin angrily tweets at Trump: "WTF, BRO?!!!"

Trump angrily tweets at Spike Lee: "I said China & Mexico! Are you fucking stupid?"

Aye. I keep hearing how these far-right morons (Trump, UKIP/Brexit , etc) represent white, working class, men. As someone who falls into all those categories they absolutely do not represent me. In fact these are the kind of people who'd happily send people like me to Dachau.

The worst case scenario is literal fascism, nuclear war, and unrestricted global warming. IE: consequences so bad that none of us can comprehend them as realistic possibilities until they've actually happened . Then we look back at them as somehow inevitable.

Honestly, I don't think being "white" is really a protection if you disagree with them. A small majority of the US electorate has essentially voted for (quasi, if not actual) fascism, and the only question is whether Trump will deliver on his promises or not.

Ah, Twitter… how did we ever have politics before it was confined to 140 characters and thus limited to the most simplistic of messages? God forbid that we should acknowledge such things as nuance and complexity!

EVIL, now 25% more banal!