
Trump supporters: "We don't want crooked millionaires! We want unbelievably corrupt billionaires. Because worse is better… somehow."

Or not. The British equivalent of electing Trump as president would be if we collectively elected Nigel Farage or even Nick Griffin as Prime Minister, … Or Theresa May going a little further to the right than she already is… I mean, I'm not saying that it won't happen. Basically, things are really fucked,and are

Aye, but the problem is that reality is not working as it logically should. Things are going badly wrong here, in ways that they really shouldn't if most people were acting more or less rationally. Rationally, working and middle class people should not support an ultra-reactionary (quasi-fascist) billionaire who

Hey, when Trump is President of the USA reality has once again outdone satire. Nothing you can come up with as a joke is more ridiculous than the reality.

Meanwhile, Nuge is busy being "who the fuck is Ted Nugent?" to readers of Stephen King.

Mustaine is always busy being not good enough to be in Metallica. But at least he doesn't accidentally upvote himself; that would be embarassing!

I've seen the future, brother;
it is murder.

Trump fucking LOVES Huey Lewis and the News, Phil Collins, and Whitney Houston. Also, chainsawing prostitutes. RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeewwwwwwwwww.

Yeah, but I've always thought "Thank Christ Lovecraft wasn't the kind of guy to become a politician". I can tolerate his (literally) insane racism in a crazy dude who writes some very influential horror/weird fiction, but it's a very different thing if he had actual political power.

Presumably because Dr Mengele wasn't available?

Fuck Kanye. Kanye is a twat. As if that wasn't clear enough already.

What is the purpose of medicine: Is it to make a profit, or is it to cure illness and injury, relieve pain and suffering, and prolong life?

'Neoliberals' are the ones who've been running the show for the past 30-40 years; 'libertarians' are their pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-rebellious spoiled children who want to be 'different' without having to question why they have so much more money than everyone else.

Bedtime for Democracy: Songs in the Key of Trump

Honestly, I'm not sure which would be worse: that Trump was sincere about all the things he said; or that he's so cynical/unstable that he's willing to just say anything to win and who knows what the hell he's actually going to do as president of the USA?

Who gets to decide which industries are "inefficient" and on what basis?

Well, maybe initially but there's certainly been friction between Alex Salmond (former leader of the SNP) and Trump, and Salmond says he's "deeply disappointed" by Trump winning.

'Free trade' is good for countries that have economic advantages, which really has to include the US. Not so good for countries like Haiti, which get exploited by richer and more powerful countries.

It won't work. The far-right are evidently not all that troubled by cognitive dissonance, probably because their cognition tends to be at a fairly low level. I'm not saying that they're inherently stupid so much as they're willfully ignorant and intellectually lazy.

Not so survivable if you happened to live in Iraq or Afghanistan at the time.