
Well, y'know, comedy is subjective and so forth.

Chronixx, who is featured on 'Belly of the Beast', has got some really good songs as well, if you're into reggae at all.

But I don't want to hear Rick Astley's new single (no, seriously). And I hate Abba. And I'm really sick of Adele (we've all been rejected, Adele; but we don't all spend the rest of our lives going on about it!)

I've always found Norm McDonald oddly amusing while increasingly suspecting he's kind of a dick.

Honestly, between snobbishness and anti-intellectualism, I don't know which is worse.

I guess the same reason people play freecell or singleplayer pool/snooker/billiards. It's obviously pointless but it takes up a particular part of your attention while the rest of your mind is doing other things?

Hey, sexy vampires are an exception. Those Nosferatu-looking motherfuckers, she would slay all day.

A second referendum would be one thing, but to just ignore or over-rule the result would be the worst possible decision, both in principle and in practice.

I'll thank you not to talk like that about my parents, sir.

At this point, isn't Benny Hill more of an American thing than a British one?

Hell, even Cameron's democratic legitimacy was pretty shaky given that the Tories got 36.1% of the vote on a 66.4% turnout. That is, only a small minority actually voted for them.

"Tides ebb and flow, but eventually, all ships will rise."

Without wanting to idealise the EU in any way, a collapse fueled largely by racism would be really bad, potentially catastrophic.

All you're doing is cutting off your nose to spite your face for the sake of an absolutely meaningless gesture. If you feel strongly about it, if you want to do something, good, but do something worthwhile. Do something that might actually matter.

The problem isn't so much Nigel Farage as the (at least) 4 million people behind him.

Did you notice that the UK did not vote unanimously? It was split 51.9%-48.1%

Aye, rich people. Huzzah for them! The fucking pricks.

Well, if you're rich you don't really have to worry about anything, except revolutions and losing wars, do you? Anything else, you're fine.

There was an element of 'protest' vote, but a lot of it was sincerely anti-EU (which is valid, although most of the criticisms that can be made of the EU are equally applicable to the UK) and anti-immigration (which is based in scapegoating and scaremongering).

Trump is just visiting Scotland. He'll be back.