
But you have all that slavery and genocide to remember him by

My point, good sir, is that vodka is better than even the best beer. Thus, even "good beer" is rendered obsolete by the existence of spirits. That's SCIENCE! One can not argue with SCIENCE.

No, but you were talking about "good".

"Good beer"?! Have you people never heard of vodka?

Honestly, I found it much easier to read 1000 page books as a kid than I do now when I have access to both the internet and vodka. Plus, I didn't have to work.

I'm sure a 10 year old could understand the point of Animal Farm perfectly well. The problem is that a 10 year old probably has no knowledge or understanding of the actual history that the book is allegorising, with which to compare it.

"Vaguely racist" is probably a fair description of Tolkien, and of most Europeans at that time. I think Tolkien did have prejudices which creep into his work, and he's racist in that sense, but he's not racist in the way that, say, HP Lovecraft was. Tolkien seems to me closer in this respect to Joseph Conrad, whose

That could work.

It's pronounced Teh-Ah-Tim-Eh

They're both Che Guevara

But then you get the barrow wights, and they're pretty cool.

Heidegger joined the Nazi Party in 1933. His thinking couldn't have been all that great.

Or Shakespeare with his million monkey typists and the 17th Earl of Oxford.

Don't piss off Adele, or she'll be singing about it for the next 10 years.

I meant when the election is between a centre-right politician with a personal fortune of $100 million (Clinton) and a far-right clown with a personal fortune of $4.5 billion (Trump).

You know your democracy is profoundly broken when…..

Having watched it several times, I honestly can't tell whether it's meant to be horror or parody. Either way though, it looks terrible.

Ever seen 'A Tale of Two Sisters'?

Aw, shit, who is Duncanldaho47 fucking up today?
The AVClub, motherfucker!