
"In 1974, America was still reeling from Vietnam’s aftermath…"
In all seriousness, how do you think Vietnam felt in the US's aftermath? I mean it's not like Vietnamese troops were invading the US, or Vietnamese planes were bombing and napalming America, is it?

Maybe not, but for all it's ferocity did the Nazi policy towards partisans actually succeed either in winning the war for the Nazis or in preventing further partisan operations against them? I mean the Nazis always responded to resistance with extreme harshness but the resistance kept coming. Of course, in the case of

Maybe so, but sincerely trying to destroy a country and defeating an armed resistance aren't the same thing (see Vietnam, 1945-75). And as I said the effects of a "total war" in Ireland on mainland Britain (particularly in places like Glasgow which had both a strong left and a large Irish population) would have been

Do you have a source for this? (I don't mean it in a snotty way, but more like I don't know and am interested)

The point was (at least as far as socialists were concerned) that it was meant to be a coordinated international refusal to fight a capitalist/imperialist war. Unfortunately, most of the European socialist parties (with the exception of the Bolsheviks, Italian Socialist Party, and various dissidents like Rosa

Yeah, I do understand what you mean, but what the anti-treaty IRA wanted was the Irish Republic announced by the leaders of the Easter Rising, and they presumably thought that there was at least some possibility of achieving it. The odds in 1921 were no doubt terrible, but they were terrible in 1916 as well. How many

When Trump is president he'll mostly just sprawl and gnaw hungrily in a curiously environed black throne in inconceivable unlighted chambers beyond time and space, amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes.

Well, hundreds of Irish men did fight on either side of the Spanish Civil War, so the issues in Spain weren't irrelevant in Ireland. That's not to say that pro- or anti-treaty corresponds in any clear way to support for the republic/left or for the military/fascists, of course.

I don't think it's a question of violence OR non-violence. The mutinies in the navy, for example, were no doubt a significant factor in convincing the British government that its rule over India was pretty much over.

A 32 county united republic, completely politically independent of Britain?

16, I think, including Roger Casement. The reason they stopped is that the executions were being carried out a few at a time. Over the course of 9 days it was becoming apparent that they were only increasing public sympathy for the rising.

"the UK executed them (which they kind of had to…"

"repercussions of that continued to trouble the island for the next seventy years - and are still flaring to this day."

You're aware that Egypt is essentially a military dictatorship and that large sections of the Egyptian people have attempted a literal, full blown revolution just over 5 years ago? It makes no sense at all to talk about Egyptians as if they were a politically homogeneous reactionary mass. Just as it makes no sense to

You're confusing Egypt with ISIS occupied sections of Iraq and Syria. Which is a bit like confusing Texas with Chiapas (hey, it's ROUGHLY the same part of the world!).

Having googled "September 1962", I don't know if Mississippi collectively really likes the Beatles, or really hates ee cumming, or was very supportive of the Algerian NLF and the Canadian space program.

When formerly 'far-left' ideas (like any kind of democracy, or the abolition of slavery, or full adult suffrage, or socialism) make it into the mainstream without a war becoming necessary to decide the matter, that's a best case scenario for human progress.

Along with: "Kill 'em all: every man, woman, and child." Joshua 6:21

Hey, let's be fair to Donald Trump. All he wants to do is build a huuuuuuge wall, as both a vanity project and a symbol of impotent racist rage against the realities of the modern world, and make Mexico pay for it with money that it doesn't have to spare. And ban Muslims in defiance of the US constitution. And ban

Like what the fuck is Eddie's problem with ladybirds? I mean I get why he might not like Colorado potato beetles, but what does he have against stag beetles?