
Most transvestites are straight, It's a fetish. Maybe Wood was bi or gay, but his cross-dressing is not evidence of it.

The Last Command is a good album.

The AVClub has never used being white as a perjorative.

I disagree. Walter established himself as a prideful dick in the first season. He Just revealed more and more of the underlying anger and envy/jealousy as the show continued.

I agree. Hopefully, he will pursue Saul Goodman next season and we will see him start his business as a criminal lawyer starting from the beginning. Maybe Nacho or Someone who works for Gus will need representation.

Yep. I take it back. I was thinking that aired in January. Then there's no reason why CEG should not be there.

CEG aired in the Fall. 6 episodes did technically air this year, but they may have excluded it because 7 aired last year.

Ron "Opie Cunningham" Howard, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Kubrick, and Coppola, are absolutely household names. I would bet serious money on it.

Didn't McKay do the rewrites?

Off the top of my head, so I know there must be some missing, I can list more than 15 that I would say are at least as well known as Wright (not that I have necessarily seen movies by all of these - I believe Fellini is the only exception though). I believe all of the following count as household names.

Commercials speech is speech. What you choose to name your product/service can be a form of expression.creativity.

To trademark a word or phrase, it has to be associated with a commercial product or service. They could start a line of clothing use it for a tour and copyright it then, but it would only be useful in those commercial contexts.

I thought it was a variation on repast.

One question, one comment;

Thanks. the film sounds good and if the book is mediocre or bad, it may still be the basis for a good movie.

There's two divergent viewpoints. I am not reading the other guys as I may be interested in this movie if not reading the book.

Anyone here read the novel on which this is based?

"Not Guilty"

Yes. It's the accusations of plagiarism that happened more recently.

If one party is active and the other is passive it is still rape.