
The spoiler you stated is at the end. You remember from reading that both the kids and adult stories run in parallel, right?

There was a fair amount of intentional humor in the film.

My favorite of M Nights films.

How about for people who did not read the book?

I don't know which is worse, being a white supremacist or
simply encouraging them for your own personal gain.

Yes, and?

I'll take you at your word. In that case, you are truly stupid and not worth my time.

Again, the people in that video are not the people being called SJW's online. But you know that.

I'd ask you to structure an argument based upon your "evidence" but you cannot even structure a sentence.

Posting a link to someone saying some crazy shit is not evidence. No one self-identifies as an SJW, and one person's comments do not reflect anyone's beliefs but that person's. But you knew that, unless you are truly that ignorant or stupid.

That's the thing I am wondering. Are we positive he is tweeting this stuff?

"SJWs say stuff like "western science should be abolished because it's white." There are SJWs who literally want to ABOLISH SCIENCE."

What? If this was meant as some ironic joke or a reference to something else I missed it. What has he directed that was great and what has he ghost-written?

If the default words in society are all the same as the words for men, it does have a cumulative, subtle effect. Why not use gender neutral terms for gender neutral positions.

The Owl and the Gladiator as well.

Hey, hey. New Orleans is great. It is more than the continuous stream of drunken idiots on Bourbon Street.

Have you seen Casino Royale? It is a good movie, not a good Bond movie or a good action movie, but a good movie.

I agree that Brosnan was a very good bond that was hampered by shitty films.

I agree wiith King Rocket. Don' want to oversell it, but definitely better than the reviews. On average. I would give it B's/

Honestly its not that far off. However, It is being voiced by a white guy and was originally one joke character. I can see comparisons to Amos and Andy.