
They need to get a sense of humor. No place the Simpsons have traveled outside the US enjoys their portrayal. They are being mocked.

The problem is the voice, right? Can't this be fixed going forward at any time, by having an actual Indian/Pakistani actor person voice the role with a more realistic accent. The change in voice can be explained by some unlikely accident or sequence of events.

Outside of that Mad Men episode have HK's been in popular media in the last two decades?

Not defending it generally, but it probably has suffered somewhat. Not the radio show, but the TV show, which had actual black actors in the roles.


"Popular music has been on the wane since 1974, the year the first Bad Company record was released."
"I have that album"
"Of course you do Bob"…

It has not been a year. Insecure premiered in October last year alongside Divorce.

Her powers are Kree-based and the Skrulls and the Kree have fought for years.

Yay. Hopefully it's good. I was in my mid-20's when Rocko came on the air. The 90's had a ton of great animated shows for slackers.

I was not aware of the sych movie. They should just put that on hold if Lassie can't be there.

At least until George knocked that old woman over to escape a grease fire, I never thought the people on Seinfeld were shitty people so much as the show focused on their shittier moments. Each individual incident was entirely relatable, it was just the sum total that made them seem shitty.

I literally just read those stories a couple months ago.

When things are written I "symbol for heart" something. It does mean love. I assume by saying the word "heart", they are informing the reader/listener that that is the way it would be written

I believe Dan Slott is the primary reason SG became popular. His GLX series was the first in the SG renaissance.

Glad I stopped watching after the pilot.

Oppression of women has been justified by many means over the years. Pro-slavery people in the US used the Bible to justify owning people.

Normal Muslins choose how they follow their own Holy Book. Normal Christians also choose how they follow their own Holy Book. Both are full of multiple contradictory statements. The Koran is about Peace and love as much as anything else. aAnd as far as violent or intolerant passages it has nothing on the Old Testament.


This is about sex, not gender. Further, women make up more than half the population as opposed to non cis-gender, although I am sure they are still underrepresented.

That's an incredibly naive interpretation. Have you actually compared box office for such films? Have you controlled for factors genre and budget.