
Yes, if he's too drunk to consent.

My understanding is a lot of these shows heavily encourage excessive drinking in order to create more onscreen antics.

It is a super-dumb action film with the cheesiest one-liners ever. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but there was nothing creative in that film.

Really. I am way behind, but based solely on eps 1-4 of season 3, it's by far the weakest season of Fargo, in my opinion. I really liked 1 and 2 with 2 being the best.

I am sorry, what do we do now that we no longer surf the web?

Wow. I liked Marry Me. Maybe it's because I have never watched Happy Endings.

I liked Marry Me.

Always was under Stalin as well. And it was never really communist in any sort of Marxist sense.

Those people are loons, but some people go too far the other way and want to label anyone who questions the official story as a conspiracy nut.

Watergate was repeatedly denied as a conspiracy. CIA involvement in governments overthrown - lots of people suspected, but no officially accepted until the release of government docs. Also the Contras being supported by the US government. Gary Webb was repeatedly denounced official sources for his exposure of the

That's a very loaded definition of conspiracy. Consoiracy theorists often question the official story because there is no evidence to support it.

And people who make blanket statements about more nuanced subjects tend to be dumber still.

So two people?

Some are skeptics.It's just all the really loud ones, especially ones you are likely to meet casually are generally as stupid and ignorant as everyone else.

His earlier work, yes.

15 - Rilo Kiley

If statutory rape counts then a lot of Knack songs.
Jailbait - Motorhead

Or Psyche. At least some of the early seasons or homage episodes.

My understanding is that the first season will be about 1/3 of the novel.

That might be a solution. If they go with the delay, it could be almost live with anything from 10 seconds to a few minutes. Otherwise they cpould just tape the whole show an hour in two in advance of air. If they did a mild delay, they could have a guy on the dump button back stage in case someone says something