
It was an attempt at humor, a very poor attempt, but it was an attempt at a self-deprecating joke.

It does feel like they are taking food out of Ryan Murphy's mouth.

I am not sure why a German word was necessary. Germans do have a way of simply pushing words together. Many long compound words there. I would have tried breaking it down into components.

Hey jackass politician guy, good legal writing is concise and clear. The first thing I learned in law school was how bad my writing actually was.

You are saying that zero was accomplished. Not one person was caught or one crime solved? Even it hasn't worked before, why not?

I believe they were pursuing legal avenues per the article. Also, I got the impression that some form of vandalism was common in that period.

You are making it much more complicated than it needs to be. If all guns are tracked and all sales and all owners are registered, then the last registerd owner will be in the books.

Registration is more important.Finding where the guns exit the legal chain of custody can be very useful.Even though some bought and paid for congressmen managed to get laws passed restricting what the federal government can track, it's still believed that many illegal gins come from a small minority of gun dealers.

That's a fair argument. I agree he should not have said it. I was just countering some people on here saying he was being intentionally racist rather than just stupid and insensitive.

And you're not who I was responding to Nor do most people have such a concise response. I agree with the when are some white people going to learn it's never OK, except possibly outside of a purely academic discussion of its etymology and meaning, and possibly even then.

I agree. It was totally dumb of him to say it. He's one one of those "It's OK if I say it" assholes.

"Watching all of the Simpsons except Bart being killed off in more or less realistically painful ways (especially the long beat before Marge’s dead body floats to the surface of a lake) was not an especially smooth way to transition to wacky Homer furniture building time."

I originally read that as she'll be performing with Chance the Rapper and Tool, which I thought was amazing.

We'll see what they say as the Fall draws to a close. I give it 50/50 whether she'll be on.

She should never have apologized.

She should not have apologized. It was in poor taste, but harmless.

Finally watched it. Fairly good as a finale. Not sure whether I will watch next season.

Well, she did it for love of the Doctor, so love was a motivating factor.

Saw the movie, knew it was based on some guy's writings, but the movie was just alright, so I never checked him out.

Seeing the first movie in the theatre in the first few weeks of its release.