
I am still clamoring for it

I missed the music cue and have no recollection of Clara doing that. I was only reminded of Donna.

I honestly had no recollection of that.

"Mulholland Drive, that dances tantalizingly close to being explicable but dissolves again when you look at the details up close"

Like a lot of mainstream pop, her producers are primarily responsible for her sound. It's generic pablum. See also Taylor Swift.

I think the author meant "other" in the other one that was not formally recognized - as in addition to Johnson and McCarthy, who had been mentioned earlier.

Since his daughter will be on the show. expect he might be a recurring character, but it would be a mistake to make him a regular.

Good news.

It's only ten fold to get to $1B and Trump is not worth much more than that if he's worth that. That's like turning one dollar into ten, and it's still easier to turn $100M into $1B than it is to turn $1 into $10

It's "you're" and I am a 46 year old corporate attorney asshole.

Given all the scandals among Republicans and that fact that you voted for "grab em by the pussy" Trump, you lost any high ground you might have had.

Weiner would still be a much better president than Trump.

and Trump.

At least he's not as dumb as Trump.

I assume you mean Trump as the Rock is easily more intelligent than the gibbering orangutan in the White House

Trump was never a community organizer. Trump is truly the biggest ignoramus that ever occupied the White House.

Not self earned in Trump;s case. Inheited about $100M stock portfolio along with his father's company and contacts. Didn't take a genius to make a billion dollars with what Trump was handed and he would have made more had he liquidated and invested in index funds.

It was clearly a joke.

The only thing for which I would defend Chuck is his argument to the Mesa Verde people and his righteous anger towards his brother screwing him. However, his arrogance generally, his inability to view his brother through any lens other than that of the past, His cowardly sabotaging of Jimmy obtaining a job at the law

At least until this new film comes out, Raimi's first two are better than any of the others.